Monthly Archives: October 2012

A Conscious Movement-Trickle Up

When did we start looking outside of ourselves? When did this consciousness start? When did some of us wake up from our sleep? When did the stirrings start? Who was the first? Why did they step out of line?

One of many definitions of the word movement is…a collective effort by a large group of people to try to achieve something, especially a political or social reform (Encarta Dictionary: English North America).

In looking at some of those that blazed the trail, so to speak, for us new comers the movement seems to have started when the individual or couple saw the situation and decided or chose to act. These people had no “collective effort by a large group…” when they first started; it seems that the group that many times were formed jumped on the band wagon when it had started to gain momentum. I want to find those trailblazers who didn’t wait to be told that something needed to be gone. I want to learn about those who do it not because it’s fashionable to socially conscious or because there is a large group already doing it.

In searching for these people I came across Trickle Up- Breaking the Cycle of Extreme Poverty for Over 30 Years. When you read the first paragraph on their history page you will read about the point or spark that propelled them forward into action…”Trickle Up was founded in 1979 at a time when “trickle down” economics was the conventional wisdom. The economic philosophy of the time was that if you invest in business at the highest level of society, the benefits would eventually trickle down to the rest of the population.” Okay…”Yet we watched the poor getting poorer while the rich benefited from this approach. It wasn’t working, and communities around the world were suffering as a result.” Glen and Mildred Robbins Leet founded this organization to help empower those living in poverty to uplift them selves and by extension their family and community. Their focus is to supply micro-financing grants, mentoring, and business training to women in poverty to improve their life and that of their family.

“Everybody, no matter how poor, dreams of a better life and will fight for it, if given the opportunity.” ~ Mildred Robbins Leet, Co-Founder & Board Chair Emerita

Trickle Up’s Mission:

Trickle Up empowers people living on less than $1.25 a day to take the first steps out of poverty, providing them with resources to build sustainable livelihoods for a better quality of life. In partnership with local agencies, we provide training and seed capital grants to launch or expand a micro-enterprise and savings support to build assets.

We empower the world’s poorest people to develop their potential and strengthen their communities. We pursue this goal in a way that encourages innovation and leadership, maximizes resources and promotes communication and cooperation among all Trickle Up constituencies.

When you visit their site go to their about us page and take a look through their “story book ” that gives you a snap shot of how and why they do what they do.

Mrs. Mildred Robbins Leet passed away May 3, 2011

To learn more check out

Note: Information obtained from Wikipedia,, and the New York Times newspaper online.


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